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Maintworld covers all aspects of Maintenance and Asset Management in Europe and beyond as it keeps feeding new technologies and innovations through its high level editorial content.

Maintworld is the first and only Pan European publication of EFNMS (European Federation of National Maintenance Societies vzw. with HQ in Bruxelles) and it is endorsed by all its 22 member state societies. You may go to  www.efnms.org  and click on Publications.

The Magazine has a targeted audience of key professionals that are C, D and VP level executives of international organizations, companies, subscriber university professors as well as key figures such as engineers and project managers that have authority to make major procurement decisions and changes to their existing structures.

Furthermore we wanted to stress the fact that being the official publication of EFNMS, the Magazine contains not only high level editorial written by professionals in their field, but it is also viewed by the readers, as a guide for best practices as the publication also has a political inclination being part of EFNMS.